An Online Magazine's Portrayal of Down Syndrome

I Just came across the Pregnancy Weekly, put out by Baby Weekly, description of Down Syndrome. This is the Online website that is the Place many new and expecting moms turn to read about various topics. I always found it interesting that when I was pregnant with Jaden, not knowing he had an extra chromosome, that all of the articles in the Baby/Pregnancy Magazines focues on the Horrific Negativities associated with the Dreadful Condition Called...Drum Roll Please....Down Syndrome!!!! Here is why the fear, negativity and innacuracies continue,

For if this Regurgitated Outdated, Sterile, Clinical Information doesn't stop getting passed on and on and on, the Mis-Conceptions and Fears will never Go Away. I'm writing the editor now. It really nauseates me, truly.

It's not surprising though, that this Online Magazine has on the Head of it's Editorial Staff, None Other than Dr. Schwarz, is the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York Methodist Hospital and a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Cornell University Medical College in New York City, New York. Previously, Dr. Schwarz served as past President for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Isn't this the same guy that just helped come up with the new Down Sydnrome Testing Recommendations!


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