Fantastic News - Next Week, Big Undertakings

There was great news today! After talking on the phone with Sue from the National Down Syndrome Congress, I got some more clarity on what direction to take my passionate efforts in. I am determined to Help Change the way Doctors, Nurses, Genetic Counselors, Nurses Assistants, Doctors Assistants and anyone else who has access to Pregnant Women or New Moms, give information On Down Syndrome. We all know the information is Negative, Outdated, Stereotypical, Depressing, Scary, Dismal and In-accurate. The People giving this information to Vulnerable New moms very often have no right in giving this information. They have become so calloused, removed and non-emotional, that they give the news of DS as if they just have a cold, and an "oh well, just deal with it" attitude. I am getting together with the head of my local South Florida Organization, and putting together a presentation to give to all the above mentioned people. Next week. I already have a presentation written, and I can't wait to get started!

I just read an expecting mom's blog today who just found out that her unborn baby may have down syndrome, and she is terrified, scared, depressed, worried and everything else. I wrote her some words of encouragement, but it's so pathetic how women are left all alone at times like this, just to worry and wonder, instead of immediately being offered positive, hopeful, updated, accurate information that will better help them understand the reality of Down Syndrome, the joy of their child instead of these Clinical Descriptions and Fears.

Why is the Medical Profession so out of touch? Because they are over worked, de-sensitized, tired, no time for reading new information, stuck inside an old, dilapidated system that is very in need of repair, and they are not attached to their emotions. Not all Doctors/Nurses are removed from their emotions mind you, however so many are, and the ones that are dealing with pregnant/new moms are not giving responsible information.

I am going to help change this, You will see! I promise!


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