Day 2 on Curcumin


Well, so far so good! No stomach upset, no weird side effects. We started him on 1,000 mgs, 2 capsules a day, and I will say, he did seem a bit more talkative yesterday. He was more descriptive in his story telling, more enthusiastic with trying to get the details in. I'll keep you all posted!

Ok, between Facebook, Twitter @MyHealthiestLif, and My Healthiest Life, it's all I can do to keep up with Jaden's Journal anymore. Follow me on Facebook, if you can, that's where I'm updating the most! Hope everyone's doing well! I love hearing from you:)


Pallavi said...

Hi There,
this is the first time I read your blog. Jaden's blog. Jaden is doing great :)

My daughter Navya is 20 months old now.I have purchased Honey comb -Ginko Biloba. I was wondering if you can help me out the safe dosage as T21 Research group says it could be dangerous for children below 3 years. :(

Any links/notes you have??

Stephanie said...

Hello!!!! We just became friends on FB!!
Your blog is amazing! You have a boat load of info! Not to mention a very cute Jaden!
so glad we met!

Jaime said...

hi, i just came across your blog. I just created one. I live in S. Florida as well...check it out. Just found out our unborn child has DS..his name will be Jaidin as well, just spelled different.

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